A typical program is 90 to 120 minutes long.
Length can be customized.

Intro : Participants are introduced to the instructor who explain the flow and goals of the upcoming activities.

Warm Up: Participants will follow the lead of an experienced instructor who will engage the group into a sequence of easy moves that will wake up the body and mind, thus getting everyone ready for the activities ahead. The goal of this warm up to begin understanding and implementing the very basics of rhythm, musicality and movement.

Learning the Basic Moves:  Participants are split in two groups: leaders and followers. The instructor will walk the participants through 3 very basic moves that the they will learn how to execute individually. The instructor will show the moves to both the leaders and followers.

Mastering the art of engaging though connection, lead and follow:  Leads & followers are asked to pair up and establish who is the lead and who is the follower. Partners work on a basic open connection. The instructors explain the role of the leader and the role of the follower. During this activity, participants learn and practice important rules of leading and following. Participants first practice without the steps and then with the steps. During this activity, the instructors will ask either the leads or the followers to rotate so they can practice connection, lead and follow with a different partner. The goal of this activity is to make sure that the connection is executed properly so that when the leaders are initiating a move, the followers are responding without anticipating.

Practice & Wrap Up:  Participants are asked to practice finding the right beat on their own and initiating the lead on their own to an entire song. In the end participants will have a couple of minutes to share their experience working on the different activities